your boy

Houston, TX, United States

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

nas : hip hop is dead

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nas : hip hop is dead everything i expected it to be, an a-class album, but its sorta lame that they included the edited-ish version of "hip-hop is dead" with the tamer chorus:

"If hip hop should die before I wake, I'll put an extended clip and body 'em all day/ Roll to every station, wreck the DJ (roll to every station, wreck the DJ)"

instead of what i originally heard long before anything else dropped:

"If hip hop should die before I wake, I'll put an extended clip inside of my AK/ Roll to every station, murder the DJ (roll to every station, murder the DJ)"

just sorta lame. but since i bought mine from best buy, i get access to another track at some website, "Where Ya'll At", one of the songs that was recorded but didn't make the album. maybe theyre saving the rest of them for The Lost Tapes 2, which is slated to be released in 2007(?).


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